Próximo evento Internacional Data

We offer solution for taking
of decisions on import and exports
in more than 72 countries

We fully believe in the competitive potential of the companies, regardless their size or industry, as long as they create an atmosphere conductive to their growth and development, so they can increase the performance in the local and international markets

You can search, filter, and analyze with our databases covering import and export data from over 72 countries, optimizing decision-making in your company.


Strengthen the strategic decision – making of our customers, providing them with relevant information and knowledge so they can compete with intelligence and success in the global markets.


Make available to our clients the most detailed, reliable and up-to-date
information that allows them to analyze the global market, helping them find better opportunities for growth. To provide an innovative experience for all our valued customers that makes possible to maximize the use of the databases and the strategic information that we provide, enhancing them with technical knowledge and of context of what is happening in the different markets and thereby, enhancing the Intelligence of their business. We do all the above, through a collaborative work supported by an important network of associations, companies and multilateral and government entities.


To develop, for decision-makers and their teams, high-tech and innovative platforms and tools that facilitate the generation of business intelligence through a highly customized, simple, efficient, and interactive user experience, aimed at achieving relevant results in the shortest possible time.
We seek to create strong bonds and relationships with each of our users, through a close and excellent human team, always committed to the success of our clients and aware of the importance of our service in achieving their goals.

We are more competitive.

We believe in the strategic information as a relevant assed for each company, which allows them to be more competitive, through the deep understanding of the context to their Market and industries and the achievement of the existing opportunities, as well as recognizing the threats that exists and that all the companies involved in foreign commerce have to know how to manage, with up-to date knowledge for their decision makers.

Market transparency

We offer more information, more transparency in the markets, more certainty in the steps companies take, and what is tremendously important is that it fosters a fair competitive system for everyone, where the smaller player can compete with the larger one without disadvantages, and most importantly, they can monitor it to prevent abuses and tactics that create an abusive and deceitful system.

Monitors in the competitive system.

The competitive system not only allows fraud by companies to be exposed by their own competitors, but it also helps reduce the rate of economic and commercial crimes committed by companies.

We provide PYMES with information

The information in the hand of the medium – sized enterprises gives them a relevant power of negotiation with suppliers and customers, making them more competitive. Denying this option to the SMES Companies is taking away a lot of oxygen to them and to the potential that each country can develop for them.

Our Team and Representatives.

Pablo Morales

General Manager

Pablo Morales

General Manager.

Pablo Morales

General Manager.

Pablo Morales

General Manager

Pablo Morales

General Manager

Pablo Morales

General Manager

Pablo Morales

General Manager

Pablo Morales

General Manager

Pablo Morales

General Manager

Pablo Morales

General Manager