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The Netherlands is the main buyer of Colombian avocados

The avocado, known as “green gold,” is a natural treasure with a growing global demand. Colombia, one of the main producers of this fruit, has experienced a prominent role in the international market. Through the information provided by, we will explore how the Colombian avocado has conquered the international scene and its main export […]

Successful Meeting had our event: Boosting International Trade in Peru

In a spectacular milestone for our commercial office in Peru, was able to hold its first face-to-face meeting. This event, called “Boosting International Trade in Peru,” marked a before and after in the Peruvian business panorama. August 24 will remain engraved in the memory of all attendees, as we witnessed a set of valuable […]

Shrimp Exports in Ecuador: Global Market Trends and Perspectives

The international shrimp trade is an essential component of the Ecuadorian economy. Data provided by the information portal revealed intriguing patterns in shrimp exports in 2022, with the United States standing out as the main buyer, generating an impressive 55.55% of the total. China and Thailand followed closely behind, with 25.39% and 3.79%, respectively. […]